Complete text -- "Wikipedia goes Buch"
/* 0.1 - initial release 0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot] 0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot] 0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off) 0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix */ class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin { function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; } function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; } function getURL() { return ''; } function getVersion() { return '0.5'; } function getDescription() { return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses'; } function install() { $this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes'); $this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no'); $this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes'); $this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes'); $this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]'); $this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]'); } function getEventList() { return array('PreItem', 'PreComment'); } function Treatment($_text) { global $CONF, $blog; if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') { $nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\""; } if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') { $_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text); $_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text); } $at = $this->getOption('at'); $dot = $this->getOption('dot'); if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') { if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') { $_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text); } else { $_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text); } } if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){ $_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text); } return $_text; } function event_PreItem($_data) { $_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body); $_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more); } function event_PreComment($_data) { $_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']); } function supportsFeature ($what) { switch ($what) { case 'SqlTablePrefix': return 1; default: return 0; } } } ?>23 April
Wikipedia goes Buch
Als Weiterentwicklung der WikiReader plant der Verlag Directmedia Publishing nun eine ganze Buchreihe zu produzieren. In der deutschsprachigen Wikipedia haben die Verantwortlichen nun ihr Konzept unter dem Namen Wiki Press zur Diskussion gestellt.Die Grundlage fr die berlegung einer eigenen Buchreihe stellt das Interesse dar, auch Menschen mit Wikipedia-Inhalten zu erreichen, die weder das Internet noch den Computer benutzen und ihre Informationen lieber aus Bchern beziehen. Die WikiReader stellen fr diesen Zweck einen sehr guten Ansatz dar, der von directmedia nun realisiert werden soll.
Um reelle Marktchancen zu haben wurde der Name gendert und die einzelnen Titel der Buchreihe sollen nun "Handbuch der ... " heissen. Auch das Konzept der Einzeltitel, wie es beim WikiReader verfolgt wurde, halten die Verantwortlichen bei directmedia fr wirtschaftlich nicht tragbar. Sie stellen diesem ein Konzept gegenber, dass von Beginn mit 10 Bnden auch gewichtig auftritt und so das Interesse des Buchhandels erregen soll. Diese Bnde sollen ein breit gefchertes Themenspektrum abdecken, die Redaktion denkt dabei an Titel wie "Mittelalter", Computertechnik" und "Heavy Metal", aber auch an "Schalke 04" oder "Manga". Ein weiterer Garant fr Interesse beim Kunden soll der geringe Preis darstellen, der je nach Umfang verschieden immer unter 10 Euro liegen soll.
Die Erstellung der Handbcher erfolgt in der Wikipedia von interessierten Wikipedianern, die in den einzelnen Titeln als Wikipeditoren auch vorgestellt werden sollen. Auf "Autoren"gehlter soll allerdings verzichtet werden, die blichen Summen sollen stattdessen in die Wikipedia investiert werden. Auch inhaltlich soll die Wikipedia profitieren. Jedem Buch wird eine Editcard beigelegt, auf der die Leser nderungen vorschlagen knnen. Diese werden dann zeitnah in die Wikipedia eingebracht.
Directmedia lt keinen Zweifel daran, dass es sich bei der Wiki Press-Reihe um ein Projekt handelt, dass kommerziell ist. Diese Position spielt bei der Diskussion allerdings bislang eine sehr untergeordnete Rolle. Vor allem der faire und offene Umgang des Verlages mit der Community bei der Produktion der Wikipedia-CD und der DVD gibt ihm einen groen Vertrauensvorschu. Auch von hier ist dem Projekt deshalb vor allem viel Glck und einen guten Erfolg zu wnschen.
[Druckversion direkt zum Drucker senden]
Geschrieben von Necrophorus um 17:06:34 Uhr - Kategorie: Allgemein
Karma: -38 [+/-]
Derzeit keine Trackbacks vorhanden.
Mit dieser TrackBack url kann der Beitrag verlinkt werden (right-click, copy link target).
Wenn Ihr Blog keine Trackbacks anbietet, kann Ihr Trackback manuell durch dieses Formular eingebaut werden .
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
harko schrieb:
Auch die WikiReader werden weiterhin produziert.
Zur Ergnzung sei noch angemerkt, dass weiterhin an den WikiReadern gearbeitet wird. Das Konzept ist schlicht ein anderes: Es ist fr sehr kleine Verlage ohne groe finanziellen Spielraum durchfhrbar, die keine Beziehungen zum Buchhandel haben und folglich auch nur sehr kleine Ausgaben finanziell berhaupt verkraften, da auch nicht die riesigen Mengen an Bchern abgesetzt werden knnen.
Die WikiReader sind eine Zeitschrift, deren einzelne Ausgaben eventuell eine ISBN zugeordnet bekommen knnen. Jeder Verleger (oder wer sich zum Verleger berufen fhlt) kann einen solchen Reader in Zusammenarbeit mit interessierenden WikiPedianern erstellen und produzieren. Natrlich kann dabei auch eine Kooperation der Verleger untereinander stattfinden.
Aktuelle Beispiele fr WikiReader, deren Materialisierung konkrete Formen annimmt sind "Wale", "Nauru", "Luftschiffe", "Antarktis" und "Frer".
Eine Liste mit mglichen zuknftigen Readern (bzw. WikiPress - Erzeugnissen) kann unter der URL eingesehen und gendert werden.
Zur Ergnzung sei noch angemerkt, dass weiterhin an den WikiReadern gearbeitet wird. Das Konzept ist schlicht ein anderes: Es ist fr sehr kleine Verlage ohne groe finanziellen Spielraum durchfhrbar, die keine Beziehungen zum Buchhandel haben und folglich auch nur sehr kleine Ausgaben finanziell berhaupt verkraften, da auch nicht die riesigen Mengen an Bchern abgesetzt werden knnen.
Die WikiReader sind eine Zeitschrift, deren einzelne Ausgaben eventuell eine ISBN zugeordnet bekommen knnen. Jeder Verleger (oder wer sich zum Verleger berufen fhlt) kann einen solchen Reader in Zusammenarbeit mit interessierenden WikiPedianern erstellen und produzieren. Natrlich kann dabei auch eine Kooperation der Verleger untereinander stattfinden.
Aktuelle Beispiele fr WikiReader, deren Materialisierung konkrete Formen annimmt sind "Wale", "Nauru", "Luftschiffe", "Antarktis" und "Frer".
Eine Liste mit mglichen zuknftigen Readern (bzw. WikiPress - Erzeugnissen) kann unter der URL eingesehen und gendert werden.
Erstellt am 04/25/05 um 18:17:22
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Myronidela schrieb:
all free dating
<a href=>free local dates </a>
<a href=>free local dates </a>
Erstellt am 04/16/21 um 08:25:21
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Javierbub schrieb:
tinder app , browse tinder for free
<a href=>tinder sign up </a>
<a href=>tinder sign up </a>
Erstellt am 05/02/21 um 15:04:47
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Javierbub schrieb:
tinder app , tinder date
<a href=>tinder date </a>
<a href=>tinder date </a>
Erstellt am 05/10/21 um 18:13:39
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Javierbub schrieb:
tinder website , tinder sign up
<a href=></a>
<a href=></a>
Erstellt am 05/13/21 um 23:42:11
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Kiera Ransdell schrieb:
of course like your web site however you have to test the spelling on quite a
few of your posts. Several of them are rife
with spelling issues and I in finding it very bothersome to inform the truth nevertheless I'll definitely come again again.
few of your posts. Several of them are rife
with spelling issues and I in finding it very bothersome to inform the truth nevertheless I'll definitely come again again.
Erstellt am 10/03/21 um 23:03:33
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Lore Mulroy schrieb:
Thanks for your marvelous posting! I seriously enjoyed reading it, you might be a great author.I will be sure to bookmark your blog and may come back in the foreseeable future.
I want to encourage that you continue your great work, have a
nice morning!
I want to encourage that you continue your great work, have a
nice morning!
Erstellt am 10/04/21 um 02:58:50
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Mendy Tuma schrieb:
Piece of writing writing is also a excitement,
if you be familiar with then you can write or else it is complicated to write.
if you be familiar with then you can write or else it is complicated to write.
Erstellt am 10/09/21 um 05:54:34
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
ShaynaEapa schrieb:
proposal and dissertation help 3000 words
<a href=https://accountingdissertat...>dissertation writing tips</a>
undergraduate dissertation
<a href=https://accountingdissertat...>dissertation writing tips</a>
undergraduate dissertation
Erstellt am 07/14/22 um 12:55:53
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
JoeteEapa schrieb:
ucl dissertation help
<a href=https://bestdissertationwri...>writing dissertation proposal</a>
dissertation editing services
<a href=https://bestdissertationwri...>writing dissertation proposal</a>
dissertation editing services
Erstellt am 07/16/22 um 01:17:47
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
JoeteEapa schrieb:
writing the doctoral dissertation
<a href=https://bestdissertationwri...>paper writing service</a>
online dissertation writing
<a href=https://bestdissertationwri...>paper writing service</a>
online dissertation writing
Erstellt am 07/19/22 um 00:54:35
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
ChandaEapa schrieb:
define dissertation
<a href=https://businessdissertatio...>research writing services</a>
uf dissertation award
<a href=https://businessdissertatio...>research writing services</a>
uf dissertation award
Erstellt am 07/20/22 um 17:48:05
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
AvivaEapa schrieb:
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<a href=https://customdissertationw...>custom dissertation writing help</a>
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<a href=https://customdissertationw...>custom dissertation writing help</a>
citing a dissertation
Erstellt am 07/21/22 um 12:03:43
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
DortheaEapa schrieb:
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Erstellt am 07/22/22 um 07:35:21
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
VerieeEapa schrieb:
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Erstellt am 07/23/22 um 02:02:45
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
GlynnisEapa schrieb:
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Erstellt am 07/23/22 um 20:51:23
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
HonorEapa schrieb:
Erstellt am 08/08/22 um 07:40:20
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
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Erstellt am 08/09/22 um 04:29:32
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
LaurellaEapa schrieb:
Erstellt am 08/13/22 um 22:05:17
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
SheelaghEapa schrieb:
Erstellt am 08/16/22 um 02:37:03
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
GladiEapa schrieb:
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Erstellt am 08/24/22 um 06:19:22
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
JeraleeEapa schrieb:
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Erstellt am 08/25/22 um 03:31:30
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
KyrstinEapa schrieb:
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Erstellt am 08/25/22 um 21:34:35
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
GladiEapa schrieb:
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Erstellt am 08/28/22 um 13:55:49
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
JeraleeEapa schrieb:
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Erstellt am 08/29/22 um 09:06:39
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
KyrstinEapa schrieb:
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Erstellt am 08/30/22 um 04:42:37
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
LettiEapa schrieb:
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Erstellt am 09/02/22 um 06:09:08
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
GennieEapa schrieb:
Erstellt am 09/02/22 um 14:04:31
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
DeeynEapa schrieb:
Erstellt am 09/03/22 um 09:31:27
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
EmaleeEapa schrieb:
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Erstellt am 09/04/22 um 04:46:47
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
RobenaEapa schrieb:
Erstellt am 09/07/22 um 16:49:05
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
LoreenEapa schrieb:
Erstellt am 09/08/22 um 12:00:05
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
HildeEapa schrieb:
Erstellt am 09/09/22 um 03:11:11
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
TallouEapa schrieb:
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Erstellt am 09/10/22 um 07:38:18
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
MarilinEapa schrieb:
Erstellt am 09/11/22 um 03:52:37
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
AdoreeEapa schrieb:
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<a href=>dos chicos se conocieron en un chat gay</a>
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Erstellt am 09/11/22 um 20:43:42
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
MindyEapa schrieb:
Erstellt am 09/12/22 um 12:57:49
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
MavisEapa schrieb:
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Erstellt am 09/14/22 um 21:20:26
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
JuanitaEapa schrieb:
Erstellt am 09/15/22 um 22:52:46
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
MaisieEapa schrieb:
Erstellt am 09/16/22 um 23:37:33
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
EachelleEapa schrieb:
Erstellt am 09/18/22 um 00:40:02
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
JoeteEapa schrieb:
Erstellt am 09/18/22 um 23:51:23
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
MarrisEapa schrieb:
Erstellt am 09/20/22 um 07:01:37
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
DorolisaEapa schrieb:
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Erstellt am 09/21/22 um 02:19:51
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
MartyEapa schrieb:
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Erstellt am 09/22/22 um 00:36:02
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
MerolaEapa schrieb:
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Erstellt am 09/22/22 um 20:24:28
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
AshlenEapa schrieb:
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Erstellt am 09/23/22 um 16:16:40
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
CharitaEapa schrieb:
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Erstellt am 09/25/22 um 05:55:39
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
NaniceEapa schrieb:
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Erstellt am 09/26/22 um 00:59:48
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
slotpg schrieb:
<a href="">slotpg</a> รูปแบบใหม่ต้องใจผู้เล่น เกมคาสิโนออนไลน์ที่เยี่ยมที่สุด บริการครบวงจรในเรื่องความเพลิดเพลินและก็เงินรางวัลหลายชิ้น สล็อตออนไลน์เล่นไม่ยาก ชำระเงินจริงทุกบาททุกเงิน
Erstellt am 09/27/22 um 04:31:02
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
slotxo schrieb:
ทุกคนบางทีอาจจะเคยทราบหรือคุ้นชื่อกัน พอเหมาะพอควร สำหรับเกมส์ได้รับความนิยมน่าเล่นอย่าง SLOTXO แม้กระนั้นคุณจะรู้ไหมว่าเหม สล็อตออนไลน์ เกมนี้นั้น ได้มีเกิดมายาวนานแล้ว
Erstellt am 09/27/22 um 04:32:20
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
CthrineEapa schrieb:
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Erstellt am 10/04/22 um 06:49:35
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
GinnieEapa schrieb:
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Erstellt am 10/07/22 um 06:30:33
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
GinnieEapa schrieb:
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Erstellt am 10/09/22 um 18:46:48
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
VivieneEapa schrieb:
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Erstellt am 10/12/22 um 01:09:42
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
EasterEapa schrieb:
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Erstellt am 10/13/22 um 16:00:10
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
MarrisEapa schrieb:
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Erstellt am 11/16/22 um 10:17:26
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
DorolisaEapa schrieb:
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Erstellt am 11/19/22 um 11:38:25
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
MartyEapa schrieb:
Erstellt am 11/20/22 um 18:42:22
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
MerolaEapa schrieb:
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Erstellt am 11/22/22 um 02:53:28
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
ficdjaelIteta schrieb:
<a href=></a>
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<a href=></a>
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Erstellt am 11/22/22 um 21:56:10
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
AshlenEapa schrieb:
Erstellt am 11/23/22 um 11:32:02
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
CharitaEapa schrieb:
Erstellt am 11/24/22 um 19:21:55
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
NaniceEapa schrieb:
professional essay help
<a href=>application essay writing service</a>
online essay writing help
<a href=>application essay writing service</a>
online essay writing help
Erstellt am 11/26/22 um 04:32:26
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
InessaEapa schrieb:
Erstellt am 01/23/23 um 01:17:28
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
?> schrieb:
I think the admin of this site is really working hard in favor
of his web page, for the reason that here every data is quality based material.
of his web page, for the reason that here every data is quality based material.
Erstellt am 01/25/23 um 23:32:32
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
data cambodia schrieb:
I was recommended this website by my cousin. I am not sure
whether this post is written by him as no one else know such detailed about my trouble.
You're incredible! Thanks!
whether this post is written by him as no one else know such detailed about my trouble.
You're incredible! Thanks!
Erstellt am 04/02/23 um 11:31:51
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
DscanielJax schrieb:
Erstellt am 05/04/23 um 06:05:07
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
EdwardTyday schrieb:
aviator spribe играть
<a href=> Официальный сайт AVIATOR</a>
aviator spribe играть
<a href=> Официальный сайт AVIATOR</a>
Казино Авиатор официальный сайт
<a href=> Официальный сайт AVIATOR</a>
aviator spribe играть
<a href=> Официальный сайт AVIATOR</a>
Казино Авиатор официальный сайт
Erstellt am 05/17/23 um 18:22:04
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
ErnastFluct schrieb:
Regards. Very good information.
writing an argumentative essay <a href=>scholarship essay writing service</a> academic essay writing service
writing an argumentative essay <a href=>scholarship essay writing service</a> academic essay writing service
Erstellt am 08/01/23 um 03:31:23
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Hectorfex schrieb:
Good postings. Cheers!
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Erstellt am 08/03/23 um 22:42:04
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Hectorfex schrieb:
Thank you. An abundance of material!
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Erstellt am 08/11/23 um 05:41:59
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Hectorfex schrieb:
Wow plenty of excellent advice!
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Erstellt am 08/11/23 um 20:38:47
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Hectorfex schrieb:
Good stuff. Appreciate it!
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Erstellt am 08/12/23 um 11:37:17
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Hectorfex schrieb:
Seriously quite a lot of amazing data.
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Erstellt am 08/13/23 um 02:44:20
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Hectorfex schrieb:
Thanks! I appreciate it.
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Erstellt am 08/13/23 um 17:49:49
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Hectorfex schrieb:
Terrific information, Many thanks.
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writing a narrative essay about being judged <a href="">custom case study writing service</a> what is the last phase of writing an informative essay
Erstellt am 08/14/23 um 08:19:02
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Hectorfex schrieb:
Truly many of amazing information.
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Erstellt am 08/14/23 um 21:22:43
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Hectorfex schrieb:
You have made your point.
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Erstellt am 08/15/23 um 10:14:38
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Hectorfex schrieb:
Nicely put, With thanks!
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Erstellt am 08/15/23 um 23:34:25
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Hectorfex schrieb:
You have made your point extremely effectively!!
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Erstellt am 08/16/23 um 12:56:37
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Hectorfex schrieb:
Wow many of wonderful facts.
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Erstellt am 08/17/23 um 02:24:55
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Hectorfex schrieb:
Info very well taken!.
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Erstellt am 08/17/23 um 16:05:26
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Hectorfex schrieb:
Incredible loads of fantastic knowledge!
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Erstellt am 08/18/23 um 05:41:59
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Hectorfex schrieb:
Very good forum posts. Many thanks.
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Erstellt am 08/20/23 um 12:34:37
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Hiramsairm schrieb:
Если вам нужны дополнительные финансовые средства и вы владеете недвижимостью, перезалог недвижимости для получения кредита может быть полезным решением.
Перезалог квартиры позволяет использовать ваше имущество в качестве залога для получения кредита. Важно определить рыночную стоимость вашей недвижимости перед подачей заявки в банк.
После выбора банка и подачи заявки, вам потребуется предоставить документы, подтверждающие ваши права на недвижимость и ее стоимость. Банк также проведет собственную оценку объекта.
Согласовав условия, заключается договор о предоставлении кредита, и вам предоставляются деньги. Ваша недвижимость становится залогом до погашения кредита.
Если вы рассматриваете перезалог квартиры в банке - , наши эксперты готовы помочь вам разобраться в деталях этого процесса.
Перезалог квартиры позволяет использовать ваше имущество в качестве залога для получения кредита. Важно определить рыночную стоимость вашей недвижимости перед подачей заявки в банк.
После выбора банка и подачи заявки, вам потребуется предоставить документы, подтверждающие ваши права на недвижимость и ее стоимость. Банк также проведет собственную оценку объекта.
Согласовав условия, заключается договор о предоставлении кредита, и вам предоставляются деньги. Ваша недвижимость становится залогом до погашения кредита.
Если вы рассматриваете перезалог квартиры в банке - , наши эксперты готовы помочь вам разобраться в деталях этого процесса.
Erstellt am 08/21/23 um 14:40:31
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
SfillieNop schrieb:
You've one of the best online websites.
Erstellt am 08/21/23 um 20:54:04
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
RichardGep schrieb:
<a href=></a>
Erstellt am 08/23/23 um 08:15:53
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Shomasidomb schrieb:
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Erstellt am 09/03/23 um 07:44:02
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Edwardidede schrieb:
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Erstellt am 09/03/23 um 08:35:55
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Random#Name[Ihoqebuqeqoprywu,2,5] schrieb:
Discover the world of <a href=>velo uk</a> with our exciting range of flavors!
Erstellt am 09/03/23 um 20:40:46
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
RobertSmaby schrieb:
Discover the exciting world of <a href=>velo nicotine pouches uk</a> and enjoy our diverse range of flavors!
Erstellt am 09/04/23 um 08:23:25
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Robertweste schrieb:
Explore the exciting world of <a href=>velo</a> with our incredible range of products!
Erstellt am 09/06/23 um 09:43:38
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Jesseviady schrieb:
<a href=>kraken darknet onion</a>
Erstellt am 09/06/23 um 14:37:10
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
RobertSmaby schrieb:
Explore the amazing world of <a href=>velo product</a> and savor its unique flavors!
Erstellt am 09/07/23 um 10:25:13
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Jesseviady schrieb:
<a href=>купить героин в москве</a>
<a href=>гашиш через телеграмм</a>
<a href=https://pochemy-nezahodit.r...>где заказать наркотики</a>
<a href=>купить гашиш через телеграмм</a>
<a href=>kraken ссылка зеркало официальный</a>
<a href=>гашиш через телеграмм</a>
<a href=https://pochemy-nezahodit.r...>где заказать наркотики</a>
<a href=>купить гашиш через телеграмм</a>
<a href=>kraken ссылка зеркало официальный</a>
Erstellt am 09/07/23 um 11:15:33
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
RandomNameAutok schrieb:
Discover the exciting world of <a href=>zyn flavors</a> and enjoy our diverse collection of flavors!
Erstellt am 09/07/23 um 13:52:44
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Robertbeime schrieb:
<b>Ремонт пластиковых окон</b>
Всех приветствую!
Если Вам нужен ремонт окон в Таганроге, то Вы обратились по адресу!
Не так давно у меня появились проблемы с моими пластиковыми окнами, и компания <a href=https://okna-remont-service...></a> быстро, качественно и надежно оказала мне услуги по ремонту окон.
Их услуги включают ремонт треснувших стекол, замену сломанных уплотнителей, починку поврежденных рам и многое другое.
Их компания использует исключительно качественные материалы для ремонта, чтобы отремонтированные окна выглядели как новые. Они также предоставляют гарантию на все выполненные услуги.
В общем советую сотрудничать только с ними!
Всех приветствую!
Если Вам нужен ремонт окон в Таганроге, то Вы обратились по адресу!
Не так давно у меня появились проблемы с моими пластиковыми окнами, и компания <a href=https://okna-remont-service...></a> быстро, качественно и надежно оказала мне услуги по ремонту окон.
Их услуги включают ремонт треснувших стекол, замену сломанных уплотнителей, починку поврежденных рам и многое другое.
Их компания использует исключительно качественные материалы для ремонта, чтобы отремонтированные окна выглядели как новые. Они также предоставляют гарантию на все выполненные услуги.
В общем советую сотрудничать только с ними!
Erstellt am 09/07/23 um 16:37:30
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Jesseviady schrieb:
<a href=>рабочее зеркало кракена для тор</a>
<a href=>обход блокировки кракен зеркала</a>
<a href=>легалрц в обход</a>
<a href=>официальные зеркала крамп ссылки</a>
<a href=>кракен регистрация на сайте с телефона</a>
<a href=>обход блокировки кракен зеркала</a>
<a href=>легалрц в обход</a>
<a href=>официальные зеркала крамп ссылки</a>
<a href=>кракен регистрация на сайте с телефона</a>
Erstellt am 09/08/23 um 10:07:25
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
JohnAutok schrieb:
Explore the world of delicious <a href=>siberian pouches</a> with our fantastic variety!
Erstellt am 09/08/23 um 11:29:43
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Jesseviady schrieb:
<a href=>кракен тор vk2 top</a>
<a href=>kraken РЅР° СЂСѓСЃСЃРєРѕРј</a>
<a href=>кракен крн</a>
<a href=>кракен вход ссылка</a>
<a href=>сайты даркнета 2023</a>
<a href=>kraken РЅР° СЂСѓСЃСЃРєРѕРј</a>
<a href=>кракен крн</a>
<a href=>кракен вход ссылка</a>
<a href=>сайты даркнета 2023</a>
Erstellt am 09/08/23 um 12:56:32
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Jesseviady schrieb:
<a href=>как отправлять фото на гидру с айфона</a>
<a href=>как определить настоящий сайт крамп</a>
<a href=>как не потерять деньги покупая на гидре</a>
<a href=>ссылка на файлообменник для крамп</a>
<a href=>кракен в телеграмме ссылка</a>
<a href=>как отправлять фото на гидру с айфона</a>
<a href=>как определить настоящий сайт крамп</a>
<a href=>как не потерять деньги покупая на гидре</a>
<a href=>ссылка на файлообменник для крамп</a>
<a href=>кракен в телеграмме ссылка</a>
Erstellt am 09/08/23 um 16:34:10
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Johnn schrieb:
Discover the amazing world of <a href=>iceberg nicotine pouches</a> with our diverse range of flavors!
Erstellt am 09/08/23 um 16:35:39
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Вeithdok schrieb:
Erstellt am 09/08/23 um 17:27:05
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
gurugram escort schrieb:
Pretty nice post. I just stumbled upon your
blog and wanted to say that I've truly enjoyed surfing around your blog posts.
In any case I will be subscribing to your rss feed and I hope you write again soon!
blog and wanted to say that I've truly enjoyed surfing around your blog posts.
In any case I will be subscribing to your rss feed and I hope you write again soon!
Erstellt am 09/08/23 um 21:56:54
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Robertsex schrieb:
Experience the world of <a href=>best zyn flavors</a> with our diverse collection of flavors!
Erstellt am 09/09/23 um 09:13:03
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
John#Smith[Ihoqebuqeqoprywu,2,5] schrieb:
Experience the amazing flavors of <a href=>elf bar spearmint</a> at our website: <a href=></a>.
Erstellt am 09/09/23 um 11:53:15
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Jesseviady schrieb:
<a href=>регистрация на ссылку кракен</a>
<a href=>актуальные ссылки на солярис</a>
<a href=>сайт кракен зеркало для тор</a>
<a href=>кракен теневой сайт</a>
<a href=>гидра онион сайт моментальных покупок</a>
<a href=>регистрация на ссылку кракен</a>
<a href=>актуальные ссылки на солярис</a>
<a href=>сайт кракен зеркало для тор</a>
<a href=>кракен теневой сайт</a>
<a href=>гидра онион сайт моментальных покупок</a>
Erstellt am 09/09/23 um 12:05:08
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Jesseviady schrieb:
<a href=>кракен онион ссылка зеркало</a>
<a href=>кракен не работает тор</a>
<a href=>кракен сайт телеграмм kraken ssylka onion</a>
<a href=>solaris рабочее зеркало сайта</a>
<a href=>сайт кракен тор браузера зеркало</a>
<a href=>кракен не работает тор</a>
<a href=>кракен сайт телеграмм kraken ssylka onion</a>
<a href=>solaris рабочее зеркало сайта</a>
<a href=>сайт кракен тор браузера зеркало</a>
Erstellt am 09/09/23 um 16:11:36
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
DavidAutok schrieb:
Discover the amazing world of <a href=>elfbar mango</a> and savor its deliciousness!
Erstellt am 09/09/23 um 16:51:05
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
John#Smith[Ihoqebuqeqoprywu,2,5] schrieb:
Discover the exciting world of <a href=>flash vapes</a> with our new collection of flavors!
Erstellt am 09/09/23 um 20:23:35
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Robert#John[Dylan,2,5] schrieb:
Discover the incredible world of <a href=>all zyn flavors</a> and savor the unique taste of our premium collection!
Erstellt am 09/10/23 um 09:17:45
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
John#Smith[RandomName,2,5] schrieb:
Explore the amazing world of <a href=>velo peppermint</a> and discover new flavors!
Erstellt am 09/10/23 um 12:26:30
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Stevenwet schrieb:
Erstellt am 09/10/23 um 13:50:31
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
John#Doe[GennickIhoqebuqeqoprywu,2,5] schrieb:
Experience the incredible world of <a href=>siberia chew</a> with our diverse range of flavors!
Erstellt am 09/10/23 um 16:36:35
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
sborkics_Nup schrieb:
<a href=>сборки на кс 1.6</a>
Erstellt am 09/10/23 um 18:08:20
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
JohnGeali schrieb:
Discover the exciting world of <a href=>skruf</a> and indulge in its unique flavors!
Erstellt am 09/10/23 um 20:11:30
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
tentang link slot maxwin schrieb:
Have you ever thought about writing an e-book or guest
authoring on other websites? I have a blog based on the same ideas
you discuss and would really like to have you share some
stories/information. I know my audience would appreciate your work.
If you are even remotely interested, feel free to shoot me an e-mail.
authoring on other websites? I have a blog based on the same ideas
you discuss and would really like to have you share some
stories/information. I know my audience would appreciate your work.
If you are even remotely interested, feel free to shoot me an e-mail.
Erstellt am 09/11/23 um 05:02:17
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Jesseviady schrieb:
<a href=>kraken рабочий</a>
<a href=>hydraruzxpnew4af union ссылка на сайт через тор</a>
<a href=>ссылки магазинов для тор браузера kraken</a>
<a href=>кракен курган сайт kraken ssylka onion</a>
<a href=>kraken shop center</a>
<a href=>hydraruzxpnew4af union ссылка на сайт через тор</a>
<a href=>ссылки магазинов для тор браузера kraken</a>
<a href=>кракен курган сайт kraken ssylka onion</a>
<a href=>kraken shop center</a>
Erstellt am 09/11/23 um 08:49:58
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Jesseviady schrieb:
<a href=>как пишется сайт кракена</a>
<a href=>кракен зайти на сайт</a>
<a href=>кракен оф сайт onion top</a>
<a href=>mega darknet market сайт</a>
<a href=>http onion market 3887</a>
<a href=>кракен зайти на сайт</a>
<a href=>кракен оф сайт onion top</a>
<a href=>mega darknet market сайт</a>
<a href=>http onion market 3887</a>
Erstellt am 09/11/23 um 13:23:11
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Ronaldpubre schrieb:
Flowering follows the same stages in all species, but for different lengths of time. Make sure you keep the propagator warm, at a temperature of 68 to 82 F 20 to 28 C and the seed pellets moist. If the cube does not fit too small , gently remove it and widen or deepen the cut. Source: <a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/12/23 um 01:19:10
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
AliceSmithAutok schrieb:
Experience the refreshing sensation of <a href=>lychee elf bar</a> and dive into a world of flavor!
Erstellt am 09/12/23 um 08:59:30
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Jesseviady schrieb:
<a href=>как выглядит сайт кракен</a>
<a href=>зеркало для крамп онион</a>
<a href=>зеркало на kraken онион рабочее</a>
<a href=>через какой браузер можно зайти на кракен</a>
<a href=>адрес гидры онион</a>
<a href=>зеркало для крамп онион</a>
<a href=>зеркало на kraken онион рабочее</a>
<a href=>через какой браузер можно зайти на кракен</a>
<a href=>адрес гидры онион</a>
Erstellt am 09/12/23 um 12:55:58
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Chesterarbig schrieb:
It ll fill out lateral grow space and will rarely exceed 1m in height. and similar observations have been made regarding A. All Gas OG Feminised Cannabis Seeds. Source: <a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/12/23 um 13:25:00
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
EdmondGrady schrieb:
Flowering Time 10 weeks. If you close the lid fully, open it once a day to make sure they get more air and to check if they ve germinated. The model of Bradford, 1995 accounted for dormancy loss during after-ripening through changes in the base water potential of the seeds environment that permits 50 germination ? b 50. Source: <a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/13/23 um 01:41:21
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
FriedrichAnent schrieb:
Erleben Sie die Intensitat und den Geschmack von <a href=>killer snus</a>, der ultimativen Wahl fur Snus-Liebhaber!
Erstellt am 09/13/23 um 08:29:15
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Jesseviady schrieb:
<a href=>купить траву гашиш</a>
<a href=https://u-boat-laboratorium...>kraken зеркало даркнет</a>
<a href=>купить меф закладка</a>
<a href=>как попасть на кракен</a>
<a href=>грамм гашиша цена</a>
<a href=https://u-boat-laboratorium...>kraken зеркало даркнет</a>
<a href=>купить меф закладка</a>
<a href=>как попасть на кракен</a>
<a href=>грамм гашиша цена</a>
Erstellt am 09/13/23 um 09:08:03
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Jesseviady schrieb:
<a href=https://stinger-accessories...>как зайти на официальный сайт крамп</a>
<a href=https://elliptical-evofitne...>как зайти на kraken через tor ссылка</a>
<a href=https://muabandoanhnghiep.i...>ссылка кракен 4af</a>
<a href=>кракен ссылки зеркала</a>
<a href=>правильная ссылка на гидру онион</a>
<a href=https://elliptical-evofitne...>как зайти на kraken через tor ссылка</a>
<a href=https://muabandoanhnghiep.i...>ссылка кракен 4af</a>
<a href=>кракен ссылки зеркала</a>
<a href=>правильная ссылка на гидру онион</a>
Erstellt am 09/13/23 um 12:37:02
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Jesseviady schrieb:
<a href=>сайт кракен тор браузера</a>
<a href=>tor ссылки кракен</a>
<a href=>кракен ссылка зеркало рабочее на сегодня тор</a>
<a href=>кракен ссылка krakenweb pw</a>
<a href=>ссылка кракен тор 6</a>
<a href=>tor ссылки кракен</a>
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<a href=>кракен ссылка krakenweb pw</a>
<a href=>ссылка кракен тор 6</a>
Erstellt am 09/13/23 um 15:31:34
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Jesseviady schrieb:
<a href=>гидра через тор 6</a>
<a href=>ссылка на сайт кракен</a>
<a href=>kraken union ссылка тор</a>
<a href=>кракен сайт моментальных покупок onion top</a>
<a href=>актуальные ссылки на солярис</a>
<a href=>ссылка на сайт кракен</a>
<a href=>kraken union ссылка тор</a>
<a href=>кракен сайт моментальных покупок onion top</a>
<a href=>актуальные ссылки на солярис</a>
Erstellt am 09/14/23 um 09:43:24
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Jesseviady schrieb:
<a href=>кракен онлайн</a>
<a href=>кракен зеркало ссылка kraken</a>
<a href=>офф сайт kraken</a>
<a href=>кракен онион тор</a>
<a href=>kraken ссылка магазин</a>
<a href=>кракен зеркало ссылка kraken</a>
<a href=>офф сайт kraken</a>
<a href=>кракен онион тор</a>
<a href=>kraken ссылка магазин</a>
Erstellt am 09/14/23 um 12:43:14
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Kalevi#Mikkola[Ihoqebuqeqoprywu,2,5] schrieb:
Hit <a href=>Blue berry</a> tarjoaa herkullisen sinisen marjan maun. Nauti raikkaasta makuelamyksesta ilman tupakkaa ja kokeile tata suosittua vaihtoehtoa nikotiinipusseissa.
Erstellt am 09/14/23 um 12:49:03
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
EdmondGrady schrieb:
Above ground, the cannabis seedling will continue to grow. Thus, timely germination when emerging weeds can be readily killed can go far toward minimizing net deposits into the seed bank from recent weed seed shed. Reviews should indicate that the team is knowledgeable and willing to go above and beyond to help their customers. Source: <a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/14/23 um 14:00:12
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Jesseviady schrieb:
<a href=>solaris сайт наркотиков</a>
<a href=>актуальное зеркало на kraken</a>
<a href=>kraken сайт анонимных kraken ssylka onion</a>
<a href=>hydra ссылка для тор браузера</a>
<a href=>кракен платформа сайт магазинов</a>
<a href=>актуальное зеркало на kraken</a>
<a href=>kraken сайт анонимных kraken ssylka onion</a>
<a href=>hydra ссылка для тор браузера</a>
<a href=>кракен платформа сайт магазинов</a>
Erstellt am 09/14/23 um 15:13:09
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
LeonhardAutok schrieb:
Entdecken Sie die Frische des <a href=>skruf snus</a> aus unserer neuesten Kollektion!
Erstellt am 09/14/23 um 15:24:17
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
NathanFealp schrieb:
For a stronger, spicier flavor, dill seed will give you the best taste. Check out our Cannabis seeds Buy Marijuana Seeds section to find reliable strains. Amnesia White. Source: <a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/14/23 um 15:25:18
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Albertglaps schrieb:
In one 2017 study from the University of Missouri, scientists found weed seeds in the droppings of hundreds of duck and geese over the course of two years. This strain offers a balanced high that does bog its users down. Keep pulling them up before they can produce seeds. Source: <a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/14/23 um 16:50:14
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Cliftonhenda schrieb:
If you have a yard, you have weeds. Green antelope horn milkweed A. Usually, orders are sent within 24 hours of receiving payment confirmation. Source: <a href=https://www.officinalagana....></a>
Erstellt am 09/14/23 um 18:13:52
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Mikko#Kekkonen[Ihoqebuqeqoprywu,2,5] schrieb:
<a href=>kick nikotiinipussi</a> viittaa Euroopan unionin sahkotupakan saantelyyn ja kaytantoihin. EU asettaa standardeja sahkotupakkatuotteille turvallisuuden ja laadun varmistamiseksi, ja se vaikuttaa sahkotupakan myyntiin ja kayttoon.
Erstellt am 09/14/23 um 18:34:59
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
MichaelunipT schrieb:
The results have an important bearing on the utility of hermaphrodites for the production of feminized selfed seed in the cannabis industry. Therefore, you do not want to put too little soil in your pots. Germination set-up. Source: <a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/14/23 um 19:40:39
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
AnthonySpita schrieb:
DripWorks is happy to provide this primer on how to germinate marijuana seeds fast. Harvesting This makes a striking cut flower. In the form of electronic Canadian Tire Money CT Money. Source: <a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/14/23 um 21:04:29
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
AntonioBumma schrieb:
This final stage completes the preparation and readies the lawn area for sowing grass seed or laying turf. Auto seeds often take longer to grow outdoors than indoors. Indoors your plants will need a fresh air intake, stale air exhaust and a fan for air movement. Source: <a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/14/23 um 22:28:23
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
TimothyAgomo schrieb:
You ll get to experience all of the distinct attributes of some of the finest feminized strains out there. Satisfaction Guarantees. Cannabis Seed Bank FAQ. Source: <a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/14/23 um 23:49:14
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Josephrar schrieb:
Or, you can visit our cannabis seed shops in Amsterdam and Barcelona. The other two seeds only had a short germinated growth and both died almost immediately after planting so not sure what I can learn from this lol Appreciate any thoughts and advice Thx Christina. Cannabis seedlings are extremely fragile; armed with nothing but frail roots and a small set of cotyledons that first set of small rectangular leaves , minor stressors can take down your seedlings in just a couple of hours. Source: <a href=https://eltfunatics.wordpre...></a>
Erstellt am 09/15/23 um 01:12:08
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Williamtwila schrieb:
Besides, it has received over 1,600 reviews , which makes it ILGM s most popular strain by far. Gorilla Glue 4 feminized seeds. 6 First Cannabis Seedling Leaves Hardening Off. Source: <a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/15/23 um 04:06:54
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
JamesBex schrieb:
Discover the new top THC genetics of 2023 in the article we present to you now. Besides the best cannabis seeds, stealth shipping, and worldwide delivery, we also offer a germination guarantee, which includes a free seed or two excluding 3-packs. This is where it sometimes gets confusing so follow along with me. Source: <a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/15/23 um 05:32:56
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
GilbertNoips schrieb:
Thus, these practices can provide a measure of selective weed control for transplanted or large-seeded crops, which are tolerant to the stresses imposed by cover crop residues. Once you ve finished covering your seeds with paper towel , cover them with another plate or put the lid on your container; if doing this in a container, the paper shouldn t dry out as fast. So, what about the seeds. Source: <a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/15/23 um 07:00:25
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
JoshuaphypE schrieb:
Step 2 Use the Right Germination Techniques. In this method, the plant s roots are immersed in water, which is enriched with a nutrient solution. Breeders achieve this by halting the production of ethylene levels in plant tissues, which forces female plants to produce pollen sacs. Source: <a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/15/23 um 08:26:22
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
shtangi_Dix schrieb:
Наша компания предлагает <a href=https://bliny-shtangi-grify...>блины стальные для штанги</a>. Завод Профиджим производит диски тренировочные и олимпийские, стандарта Euro classic. Продукция характеризуется высоким качеством. Ассортимент включающий диски и блины для штанги будет интересен каждому покупающему.
Erstellt am 09/15/23 um 09:02:01
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
SidneyDache schrieb:
The ? b 50 value is saved as the ? b 50 value of the population and serves as the initial value for the next time step. Smoking cannabis isn t just about getting high. Still, it s not overwhelming because it s a balanced Sativa-Indica hybrid. Source: <a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/15/23 um 09:53:54
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Jesseviady schrieb:
<a href=>зеркало для крамп через тор kraken</a>
<a href=>как правильно зайти на гидру</a>
<a href=>сайт продажи нарко веществ кракен</a>
<a href=>вход на kraken в обход блокировки</a>
<a href=>tor kraken kraken ssylka onion</a>
<a href=>как правильно зайти на гидру</a>
<a href=>сайт продажи нарко веществ кракен</a>
<a href=>вход на kraken в обход блокировки</a>
<a href=>tor kraken kraken ssylka onion</a>
Erstellt am 09/15/23 um 10:31:10
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
RichardMoW schrieb:
You can cure for as long as you like. To germinate your autoflower seeds. Does not give free seeds for international orders. Source: <a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/15/23 um 11:16:13
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
nickinst_Flise schrieb:
<a href=>красивый никнейм инстаграм</a>
Erstellt am 09/15/23 um 11:19:06
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
JerryMEX schrieb:
How Many Cannabis Seeds Can I Grow at a Time. Feminized seeds have been bred to produce only female plants, where regular seeds usually produce about 50 male and 50 female plants. Figure Credit Fabian Menalled, MSU Extension, Montana State University. Source: <a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/15/23 um 12:25:25
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Jesseviady schrieb:
<a href=>кракен тор хыдра клуб онион ком</a>
<a href=>зеркало крамп 2022</a>
<a href=>где найти ссылку на kraken</a>
<a href=>кракен официальный сайт москва</a>
<a href=>гидро сайт черный рынок</a>
<a href=>зеркало крамп 2022</a>
<a href=>где найти ссылку на kraken</a>
<a href=>кракен официальный сайт москва</a>
<a href=>гидро сайт черный рынок</a>
Erstellt am 09/15/23 um 13:11:55
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Elmervof schrieb:
Related Power Plant grown from seed to harvest under 12 12 light. Mature weeds may require repeated applications for total kill. We have sucesfully taught thousands of people how to grow top quality cannabis using our method of growing cannabis in super soil. Source: <a href=https://www.kurutemizlemem....></a>
Erstellt am 09/15/23 um 13:39:24
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Jesseviady schrieb:
<a href=>гидра официальная ссылка</a>
<a href=>сайт кракен магазин на русском языке закладок</a>
<a href=>ссылки для тор браузера кракен</a>
<a href=>магазин гидра вход</a>
<a href=>настоящая кракен</a>
<a href=>сайт кракен магазин на русском языке закладок</a>
<a href=>ссылки для тор браузера кракен</a>
<a href=>магазин гидра вход</a>
<a href=>настоящая кракен</a>
Erstellt am 09/15/23 um 15:50:26
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Ronaldpubre schrieb:
For this reason, always buy from a reputable seed bank to be assured of authenticity. Livestock manure that is stored has fewer viable weed seeds compared to fresh manure. What Do Marijuana Seeds Look Like. Source: <a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/15/23 um 16:08:06
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Chesterarbig schrieb:
Department of Agriculture USDA civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, and reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity. You have a range of seed types to choose from, including CBD seeds, fast versions, regular seeds, and feminized and autoflower seeds. The flowering stage is the last stage of the Cannabis plant life cycle. Source: <a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/15/23 um 17:38:08
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
EdmondGrady schrieb:
But the plant will definitely be more sensitive to become a hermaphrodite. The Spruce Evgeniya Vlasova A relatively innocuous plant, common plantain can be mowed whenever you mow the lawn. Autoflower seeds are the fastest way to grow cannabis. Source: <a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/15/23 um 19:07:13
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Vaino#Nykanen[Ihoqebuqeqoprywu,2,5] schrieb:
Nikotiinipussien tilaaminen Suomeen on yleistynyt. <a href=>Nikotiinipussien tilaaminen suomeen</a> tarjoaa laajan valikoiman makuja ja vahvuuksia nikotiinituotteiden kayttajille.
Erstellt am 09/15/23 um 19:39:49
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
NathanFealp schrieb:
This means that every order always gets at least one free cannabis seed. PCR amplifications were performed in a volume of 25 ?l. Note It s important to remember that these methods can be unpredictable and may not always result in feminized seeds. Source: <a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/15/23 um 20:37:39
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Albertglaps schrieb:
How to control it Pull out this annual weed by hand or hoe before it seeds, removing the entire root. It simply means it s a pot seed that s been bred to provide a female plant. Finding a reputable seed bank is the surest way to obtain premium marijuana seeds. Source: <a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/15/23 um 22:08:00
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Cliftonhenda schrieb:
0 Mar 07, 2021. Now available in the US. Autoflowering seeds are easier to grow but shorter in size. Source: <a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/15/23 um 23:35:37
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
" schrieb:
Ваш помощник в поиске идеального реферата
Каждый студент или школьник знает, как важна письменная работа в процессе обучения.
Реферат — это не просто текст, это компиляция
знаний, отражающая глубокое понимание конкретной
темы или области. Он может затронуть различные аспекты истории, культуры, науки и многого другого,
становясь ключом к успешному завершению
учебного курса.
Сокровищница знаний на одном вебсайте
Мы предлагаем вам сервис,
который станет незаменимым помощником в подготовке качественных рефератов.
Наша платформа — это огромный архив материалов по
самым разнообразным тематикам, в котором собраны работы, содержащие ценную
информацию о прошлом и настоящем, а также обзоры различных
отраслей знаний.
Быстрый поиск и простое скачивание
Наша цель — сделать процесс поиска и скачивания рефератов максимально удобным и быстрым.
Благодаря удобному интерфейсу, вам не потребуется тратить много времени на подбор необходимого материала.
Всё, что вам нужно сделать — это воспользоваться
поиском на нашем сайте, найти подходящий реферат и скачать его в один клик.
Шаг к успешной учёбе
Получение хорошей оценки ещё никогда не было таким простым.
С нашей помощью, каждый студент или школьник сможет найти материал,
отвечающий всем требованиям
преподавателя и помогающий в глубоком изучении предмета.
Выбирая наш сервис, вы получаете не просто
текст, а качественный материал для подготовки к экзаменам или
выполнения домашних заданий.
С нашей помощью, успех в учебе гарантирован!
Присоединяйтесь к нам
Мы приглашаем вас посетить наш сайт и убедиться
в удобстве и простоте поиска необходимых материалов для учебы.
Помощь в создании качественного реферата — это наша миссия.
Желаем вам успехов в учебе и надеемся стать вашим надежным помощником на пути к знаниям!
Каждый студент или школьник знает, как важна письменная работа в процессе обучения.
Реферат — это не просто текст, это компиляция
знаний, отражающая глубокое понимание конкретной
темы или области. Он может затронуть различные аспекты истории, культуры, науки и многого другого,
становясь ключом к успешному завершению
учебного курса.
Сокровищница знаний на одном вебсайте
Мы предлагаем вам сервис,
который станет незаменимым помощником в подготовке качественных рефератов.
Наша платформа — это огромный архив материалов по
самым разнообразным тематикам, в котором собраны работы, содержащие ценную
информацию о прошлом и настоящем, а также обзоры различных
отраслей знаний.
Быстрый поиск и простое скачивание
Наша цель — сделать процесс поиска и скачивания рефератов максимально удобным и быстрым.
Благодаря удобному интерфейсу, вам не потребуется тратить много времени на подбор необходимого материала.
Всё, что вам нужно сделать — это воспользоваться
поиском на нашем сайте, найти подходящий реферат и скачать его в один клик.
Шаг к успешной учёбе
Получение хорошей оценки ещё никогда не было таким простым.
С нашей помощью, каждый студент или школьник сможет найти материал,
отвечающий всем требованиям
преподавателя и помогающий в глубоком изучении предмета.
Выбирая наш сервис, вы получаете не просто
текст, а качественный материал для подготовки к экзаменам или
выполнения домашних заданий.
С нашей помощью, успех в учебе гарантирован!
Присоединяйтесь к нам
Мы приглашаем вас посетить наш сайт и убедиться
в удобстве и простоте поиска необходимых материалов для учебы.
Помощь в создании качественного реферата — это наша миссия.
Желаем вам успехов в учебе и надеемся стать вашим надежным помощником на пути к знаниям!
Erstellt am 09/16/23 um 00:15:48
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
MichaelunipT schrieb:
Hey Christina, Unfortunately, legal restrictions mean we can t answer grow-related questions or give grow advice on this blog. These prize-winning feminized seeds were introduced in 2017 and are hassle-free and quick-growing. Next, I found a product that is similar to Quincept in that it has the same active ingredients plus one. Source: <a href=https://www.soluzionidarred...></a>
Erstellt am 09/16/23 um 01:03:06
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
AnthonySpita schrieb:
Researchers are seeking more effective means to flush out these dormant seeds through multiple stimuli Egley, 1986. Auto Banana Blaze, our mind-numbingly potent, sweet, fruity variety. It s all about the genetics of the marijuana seeds, and the rarer the more valuable. Source: <a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/16/23 um 02:30:11
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
AntonioBumma schrieb:
Not every cannabis seed has a similar appearance to the next. Yes, feminized seeds are generally more potent than regular cannabis seeds and autoflower seeds. Purslane Portulaca olearacea. Source: <a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/16/23 um 03:57:32
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
service_Fub schrieb:
Я остался очень доволен обращением на <a href=></a>! Специалисты проявили высокий уровень профессионализма и оперативности при ремонте моей стиральной машины.
Erstellt am 09/16/23 um 05:57:22
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Josephrar schrieb:
The importance of shallow tillage as a weed control method in the false seedbed technique has been highlighted. I then place them between wet good quality paper towel per instructions above. It seems a waste to spend all year spraying weeds with expensive herbicides only to reward the survivors at harvest by spreading their weed seeds out for next year. Source: <a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/16/23 um 06:53:55
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
RaymondLep schrieb:
However, the flavor is different -- think of the seed as a spice and the head as an herb. Shop Buds Roses today and start growing your own premium cannabis crop. Choose from regular or special edition seeds, outdoor, indoor, feminized, autoflower, and much more. Source: <a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/16/23 um 08:22:05
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Williamtwila schrieb:
Gelato and its variations have become iconic cannabis genetics worldwide and it s available at a click. Drug Enforcement Administration last year that said it doesn t consider seeds to fall under that prohibition because they have less than 0. Unfortunately, even if your seeds are high-quality and healthy, some may not germinate at all. Source: <a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/16/23 um 09:51:58
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Jesseviady schrieb:
<a href=>kraken список зеркал</a>
<a href=>зеркало кракен в тор</a>
<a href=>главная ссылка на kraken</a>
<a href=>кракен ссылка на сайт зеркало рабочее</a>
<a href=>ссылка на сайт кракен</a>
<a href=>зеркало кракен в тор</a>
<a href=>главная ссылка на kraken</a>
<a href=>кракен ссылка на сайт зеркало рабочее</a>
<a href=>ссылка на сайт кракен</a>
Erstellt am 09/16/23 um 10:14:17
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
GilbertNoips schrieb:
D Pollen production and release from anthers along the line of dehiscence that appears as a longitudinal groove stomium. 2023 s Best Cannabis Seed Banks that Ship to the USA Free Seeds Discounts. I hope this helps. Source: <a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/16/23 um 12:39:49
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
BlackIcebergFan#genrandom[Tuwaxelezafybi schrieb:
Discover the powerful flavor of <a href=>black iceberg</a>. A favorite for snus aficionados!
Erstellt am 09/16/23 um 13:06:33
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
JoshuaphypE schrieb:
Autoflowering plants are always grown from seed. A marijuana seed bank , also called a cannabis seed bank, is an institution that is in charge of studying marijuana plants, and also deals with their production and their commercialization. It can be a messy job, so you might want to keep the vacuum on hand. Source: <a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/16/23 um 13:52:09
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Jesseviady schrieb:
<a href=>kraken не работает сегодня</a>
<a href=>кракен войти на сайт</a>
<a href=https://journal-agricultura...>оригинальный сайт крамп kraken ssylka onion</a>
<a href=>войти на kraken без тор с телефона</a>
<a href=>как правильно зарегистрироваться на гидре с телефона</a>
<a href=>кракен войти на сайт</a>
<a href=https://journal-agricultura...>оригинальный сайт крамп kraken ssylka onion</a>
<a href=>войти на kraken без тор с телефона</a>
<a href=>как правильно зарегистрироваться на гидре с телефона</a>
Erstellt am 09/16/23 um 14:11:26
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
uplotnitel_Boype schrieb:
уплотнитель для поддона душевой кабины <a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/17/23 um 05:49:50
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Jesseviady schrieb:
<a href=>новые ссылки onion на porno pthc</a>
<a href=>tor сайт гидра hydra ssylka onion com</a>
<a href=https://zeldortrans-jornal....>кракен зеркала оригинал</a>
<a href=>кракен не заходит на сайт сейчас</a>
<a href=>hydraruzxpnew4af hydra</a>
<a href=>tor сайт гидра hydra ssylka onion com</a>
<a href=https://zeldortrans-jornal....>кракен зеркала оригинал</a>
<a href=>кракен не заходит на сайт сейчас</a>
<a href=>hydraruzxpnew4af hydra</a>
Erstellt am 09/17/23 um 12:36:14
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Jesseviady schrieb:
<a href=>гидра пишет вы забанены</a>
<a href=>почему не заходит на kraken сейчас</a>
<a href=>как пополнить биткоин с карты на hydra</a>
<a href=>как зайти на сайт kraken через андроид</a>
<a href=>kraken магазин в tor</a>
<a href=>почему не заходит на kraken сейчас</a>
<a href=>как пополнить биткоин с карты на hydra</a>
<a href=>как зайти на сайт kraken через андроид</a>
<a href=>kraken магазин в tor</a>
Erstellt am 09/17/23 um 16:27:37
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
koltsa_Fed schrieb:
Для идеального предложения на <a href=https://koltsa-s-brillianto...></a> купите помолвочное кольцо с бриллиантом из золота от 0,5 карат.
Erstellt am 09/18/23 um 01:55:24
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Jesseviady schrieb:
<a href=>кракен москва официальный сайт</a>
<a href=>kraken магазин в tor</a>
<a href=>кракен сайт официальный зеркало через торрент</a>
<a href=>кракен онион официальная ссылка</a>
<a href=>кракен телеграмм</a>
<a href=>kraken магазин в tor</a>
<a href=>кракен сайт официальный зеркало через торрент</a>
<a href=>кракен онион официальная ссылка</a>
<a href=>кракен телеграмм</a>
Erstellt am 09/18/23 um 09:37:25
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Jesseviady schrieb:
<a href=>legalrc biz как зайти</a>
<a href=https://sultanosmanhamami.c...>кракен онион официальная ссылка</a>
<a href=>работает сайт крамп</a>
<a href=>как зайти на легал рс с телефона</a>
<a href=>правильное зеркало крамп onion top</a>
<a href=https://sultanosmanhamami.c...>кракен онион официальная ссылка</a>
<a href=>работает сайт крамп</a>
<a href=>как зайти на легал рс с телефона</a>
<a href=>правильное зеркало крамп onion top</a>
Erstellt am 09/18/23 um 12:30:21
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Jesseviady schrieb:
<a href=>kraken onion shop</a>
<a href=>официальные зеркала для крамп</a>
<a href=>закладки сайты кракен onion top</a>
<a href=>кракен официальный сайт ссылка kraken6rudf3j4hww</a>
<a href=>tor browser kraken</a>
<a href=>официальные зеркала для крамп</a>
<a href=>закладки сайты кракен onion top</a>
<a href=>кракен официальный сайт ссылка kraken6rudf3j4hww</a>
<a href=>tor browser kraken</a>
Erstellt am 09/18/23 um 15:13:59
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
narkolog_haw schrieb:
врач нарколог на дом <a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/18/23 um 16:15:37
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
pechat_haw schrieb:
3d печать <a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/18/23 um 19:43:29
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Jesseviady schrieb:
<a href=>кракен сайт регистрация</a>
<a href=>solaris маркет onion</a>
<a href=>как попасть на сайт кракен с телефона</a>
<a href=>тор загрузка фото на гидру</a>
<a href=>ссылка кракен</a>
<a href=>solaris маркет onion</a>
<a href=>как попасть на сайт кракен с телефона</a>
<a href=>тор загрузка фото на гидру</a>
<a href=>ссылка кракен</a>
Erstellt am 09/19/23 um 09:56:50
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Jesseviady schrieb:
<a href=https://lampaproektora.onli...>kraken РІ РѕР±С…РѕРґ onion top</a>
<a href=>работоспособность сайта кракен</a>
<a href=>дубли на гидре что это</a>
<a href=https://mytishi-konditsione...>кракен сайт доверенных</a>
<a href=>подскажите сайт кракен kraken ssylka onion</a>
<a href=>работоспособность сайта кракен</a>
<a href=>дубли на гидре что это</a>
<a href=https://mytishi-konditsione...>кракен сайт доверенных</a>
<a href=>подскажите сайт кракен kraken ssylka onion</a>
Erstellt am 09/19/23 um 12:36:43
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Jesseviady schrieb:
<a href=>сайт интернет магазина кракен</a>
<a href=>как пользоваться сайтом кракен onion top</a>
<a href=>рабочее зеркало гидры для тор</a>
<a href=>кракен сайт официальный ссылка зеркало</a>
<a href=https://skachat-genshin-imp...>гидра сайт что это</a>
<a href=>как пользоваться сайтом кракен onion top</a>
<a href=>рабочее зеркало гидры для тор</a>
<a href=>кракен сайт официальный ссылка зеркало</a>
<a href=https://skachat-genshin-imp...>гидра сайт что это</a>
Erstellt am 09/19/23 um 15:13:58
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
nakrutka_Dix schrieb:
накрутка пф <a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/20/23 um 05:52:54
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Jesseviady schrieb:
<a href=>kraken onion com зеркало</a>
<a href=>солярис нарко шоп</a>
<a href=>оригинальные зеркала крамп kraken ssylka onion</a>
<a href=>рабочее зеркало гидры</a>
<a href=>кракен онион официальная ссылка</a>
<a href=>солярис нарко шоп</a>
<a href=>оригинальные зеркала крамп kraken ssylka onion</a>
<a href=>рабочее зеркало гидры</a>
<a href=>кракен онион официальная ссылка</a>
Erstellt am 09/20/23 um 08:28:08
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Ralphpooge schrieb:
<a href=>зарегистрироваться на сайте кракен</a>
<a href=>гидра купить кайф</a>
<a href=>kraken com ссылки</a>
<a href=>кракен сайт официальный настоящий</a>
<a href=>kraken union ссылка тор</a>
<a href=>гидра купить кайф</a>
<a href=>kraken com ссылки</a>
<a href=>кракен сайт официальный настоящий</a>
<a href=>kraken union ссылка тор</a>
Erstellt am 09/20/23 um 12:49:56
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
ShermanSap schrieb:
Всем доброго времени суток. Искал, какую стеклянную плитку мозаику лучше купить для бассейна. В магазинах все одинаковое, а мне хочется что-то особенное/не как у всех. Стал искать в интернете. Попался в интернете отзыв про стеклянную мозаику ZETOGLASS, вот тут Кто-нибудь покупал эту плитку-мозаику, как впечатления?.
Erstellt am 09/20/23 um 23:54:48
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
NataliaArtAutok schrieb:
Avastage <a href=>natalia may</a> ainulaadset kunstistiili ja loomingut.
Erstellt am 09/21/23 um 12:09:09
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Ralphpooge schrieb:
<a href=https://kraken2t5rzudyv46ai...>кракен даркнет маркетплейс</a>
<a href=https://kraken2t5rzudyv46ai...>купить гашиш марихуану</a>
<a href=https://kraken2t5rzudyv46ai...>где купить наркоту</a>
<a href=https://kraken2t5rzudyv46ai...>где купить наркотики в москве</a>
<a href=https://kraken2t5rzudyv46ai...>кракен даркнет маркет ссылка на сайт тор</a>
<a href=https://kraken2t5rzudyv46ai...>купить гашиш марихуану</a>
<a href=https://kraken2t5rzudyv46ai...>где купить наркоту</a>
<a href=https://kraken2t5rzudyv46ai...>где купить наркотики в москве</a>
<a href=https://kraken2t5rzudyv46ai...>кракен даркнет маркет ссылка на сайт тор</a>
Erstellt am 09/21/23 um 12:58:56
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
WalterBUp schrieb:
<a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/21/23 um 20:10:21
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
WalterBUp schrieb:
<a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/21/23 um 21:10:33
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
WalterBUp schrieb:
<a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/21/23 um 22:10:13
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
RichardDrurn schrieb:
<a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/22/23 um 00:05:15
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
RichardDrurn schrieb:
<a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/22/23 um 00:55:38
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
RichardDrurn schrieb:
<a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/22/23 um 01:45:16
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
TracyGeosy schrieb:
<a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/22/23 um 09:28:56
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
TracyGeosy schrieb:
<a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/22/23 um 10:24:51
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Jameselome schrieb:
<a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/22/23 um 11:15:15
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Jameselome schrieb:
<a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/22/23 um 12:20:31
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
TracyGeosy schrieb:
<a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/22/23 um 13:20:25
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
TracyGeosy schrieb:
<a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/22/23 um 14:19:06
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Stevenwet schrieb:
Erstellt am 09/22/23 um 14:47:22
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
TracyGeosy schrieb:
<a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/22/23 um 15:21:14
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
TracyGeosy schrieb:
<a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/22/23 um 16:08:27
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Rpvenwet schrieb:
Get ahead in EA Sports FC 24 with FC 24 Coins from this store <a href=>fc 24 coins</a> Benefit from their fast delivery, unbeatable prices, user-friendly interface, and 24/7 assistance.
Erstellt am 09/23/23 um 08:02:52
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Rpvenwet schrieb:
Erstellt am 09/23/23 um 12:13:21
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
dompr_Dix schrieb:
пансионат для пожилых <a href=https://dom-prestarelyh-ast...></a>
Erstellt am 09/24/23 um 04:49:27
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
WalterPhift schrieb:
<a href=>спецодежда</a>
Erstellt am 09/24/23 um 23:29:04
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
WalterPhift schrieb:
<a href= >бухгалтерские услуги</a>
Erstellt am 09/25/23 um 00:25:56
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
WalterPhift schrieb:
<a href=>бухгалтерские услуги</a>
Erstellt am 09/25/23 um 01:22:27
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
WalterPhift schrieb:
<a href= >бухгалтерские услуги</a>
Erstellt am 09/25/23 um 02:14:25
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
WalterPhift schrieb:
<a href=>спецодежда</a>
Erstellt am 09/25/23 um 03:56:39
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
WalterPhift schrieb:
<a href= >бухгалтерские услуги</a>
Erstellt am 09/25/23 um 04:45:53
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Case Study Writing Online schrieb:
Hi there! This blog post couldn't be written any better!
Looking at this article reminds me of my previous roommate!
He always kept preaching about this. I am going to forward this post to him.
Fairly certain he's going to have a good read.
I appreciate you for sharing!
Looking at this article reminds me of my previous roommate!
He always kept preaching about this. I am going to forward this post to him.
Fairly certain he's going to have a good read.
I appreciate you for sharing!
Erstellt am 09/25/23 um 05:07:42
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
WalterPhift schrieb:
<a href=>спецодежда</a>
Erstellt am 09/25/23 um 05:35:07
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
WalterPhift schrieb:
<a href= >бухгалтерские услуги</a>
Erstellt am 09/25/23 um 06:24:41
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
WalterPhift schrieb:
<a href=>спецодежда</a>
Erstellt am 09/25/23 um 07:13:23
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
site, schrieb:
Howdy, i read your blog from time to time and
i own a similar one and i was just wondering if you get a lot of
spam comments? If so how do you protect against it,
any plugin or anything you can recommend?
I get so much lately it's driving me mad so any assistance
is very much appreciated.
i own a similar one and i was just wondering if you get a lot of
spam comments? If so how do you protect against it,
any plugin or anything you can recommend?
I get so much lately it's driving me mad so any assistance
is very much appreciated.
Erstellt am 09/25/23 um 07:22:05
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
WalterPhift schrieb:
<a href= >бухгалтерские услуги</a>
Erstellt am 09/25/23 um 08:01:19
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
travel from us to canada by car schrieb:
Hi, I log on to your blogs regularly. Your story-telling style is witty, keep doing what
you're doing!
you're doing!
Erstellt am 09/25/23 um 09:14:22
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
web, schrieb:
you are actually a excellent webmaster. The site loading pace is incredible.
It kind of feels that you're doing any unique trick. In addition, The contents are masterwork.
you have performed a excellent activity on this subject!
It kind of feels that you're doing any unique trick. In addition, The contents are masterwork.
you have performed a excellent activity on this subject!
Erstellt am 09/25/23 um 19:28:17
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
live ledger schrieb:
I have been browsing online greater than three hours these days, but I by no means found any fascinating article like yours.
It's pretty value sufficient for me. Personally, if all web
owners and bloggers made just right content material as you probably did,
the web will probably be a lot more helpful than ever before.
It's pretty value sufficient for me. Personally, if all web
owners and bloggers made just right content material as you probably did,
the web will probably be a lot more helpful than ever before.
Erstellt am 09/26/23 um 03:24:37
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Plus-Coin news schrieb:
I'm amazed, I have to admit. Seldom do I come across a
blog that's equally educative and engaging, and without a doubt, you have hit the nail on the head.
The problem is something which not enough people are speaking intelligently about.
Now i'm very happy that I stumbled across this during my hunt
for something relating to this.
blog that's equally educative and engaging, and without a doubt, you have hit the nail on the head.
The problem is something which not enough people are speaking intelligently about.
Now i'm very happy that I stumbled across this during my hunt
for something relating to this.
Erstellt am 09/26/23 um 03:26:01
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
matura2025 schrieb:
I am now not sure the place you are getting your information, however
great topic. I needs to spend a while studying more or figuring out more.
Thanks for excellent info I was on the lookout for this information for my mission.
great topic. I needs to spend a while studying more or figuring out more.
Thanks for excellent info I was on the lookout for this information for my mission.
Erstellt am 09/26/23 um 07:19:05
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
молодые гей порно schrieb:
Very good article. I absolutely love this website. Thanks!
Erstellt am 09/26/23 um 08:06:35
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
site, schrieb:
Hi, the whole thing is going sound here and ofcourse every one is sharing
data, that's truly fine, keep up writing.
data, that's truly fine, keep up writing.
Erstellt am 09/26/23 um 17:23:35
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Primer per unghie schrieb:
Very soon this web site will be famous among all blogging visitors, due to it's nice posts
Erstellt am 09/26/23 um 19:35:20
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Michealten schrieb:
<a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/26/23 um 23:33:25
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Michealten schrieb:
<a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/26/23 um 23:52:30
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
сигнализатор schrieb:
Erstellt am 09/27/23 um 00:47:46
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
השכרת רכב בבוקרשט schrieb:
Its like you learn my thoughts! You appear to know a lot about this, such as you wrote the ebook in it or something.
I feel that you can do with some percent to force the message house a little bit, however other than that,
that is great blog. A great read. I will certainly be back.
I feel that you can do with some percent to force the message house a little bit, however other than that,
that is great blog. A great read. I will certainly be back.
Erstellt am 09/27/23 um 00:50:36
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Michealten schrieb:
<a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/27/23 um 00:56:12
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
?> schrieb:
Hi there colleagues, how is the whole thing, and what you wish
for to say on the topic of this piece of writing, in my view its
actually remarkable in favor of me.
for to say on the topic of this piece of writing, in my view its
actually remarkable in favor of me.
Erstellt am 09/27/23 um 01:28:11
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
?> schrieb:
Hi there, this weekend is nice in support of me,
because this time i am reading this enormous
educational article here at my house.
because this time i am reading this enormous
educational article here at my house.
Erstellt am 09/27/23 um 01:47:04
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Michealten schrieb:
<a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/27/23 um 02:02:20
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Michealten schrieb:
<a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/27/23 um 04:52:40
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Michealten schrieb:
<a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/27/23 um 05:12:45
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Michealten schrieb:
<a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/27/23 um 05:48:39
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Michealten schrieb:
<a href=https://gruzoperevozka-pete...></a>
Erstellt am 09/27/23 um 05:53:06
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Michealten schrieb:
<a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/27/23 um 06:57:03
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Michealten schrieb:
<a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/27/23 um 07:24:49
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Michealten schrieb:
<a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/27/23 um 07:44:45
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Michealten schrieb:
<a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/27/23 um 08:45:43
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
idee animation centre commercial schrieb:
hi!,I really like your writing so so much! share
we keep in touch more approximately your post on AOL?
I require an expert in this area to unravel my problem.
Maybe that is you! Looking ahead to look you.
we keep in touch more approximately your post on AOL?
I require an expert in this area to unravel my problem.
Maybe that is you! Looking ahead to look you.
Erstellt am 09/27/23 um 09:36:43
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
ss exchange account schrieb:
I have read so many articles or reviews regarding the blogger lovers however this piece of writing is genuinely a
good post, keep it up.
good post, keep it up.
Erstellt am 09/27/23 um 11:14:57
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Ralphpooge schrieb:
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<a href=>правильная ссылка на кракен</a>
<a href=>kraken market</a>
<a href=https://cookiessfhaightst.c...>кракен онион даркнет площадка</a>
<a href=>kraken marketplace</a>
<a href=>правильная ссылка на кракен</a>
<a href=>kraken market</a>
Erstellt am 09/27/23 um 13:54:48
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Michealten schrieb:
<a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/27/23 um 18:31:13
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Michealten schrieb:
<a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/27/23 um 19:27:58
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Michealten schrieb:
<a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/27/23 um 20:27:31
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Michealten schrieb:
<a href=https://diplom-referat-kurs...></a>
Erstellt am 09/27/23 um 23:26:18
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Michealten schrieb:
<a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/28/23 um 03:40:06
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Michealten schrieb:
<a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/28/23 um 03:57:20
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Michealten schrieb:
<a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/28/23 um 04:32:12
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
grunt_Boype schrieb:
<a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/29/23 um 02:47:56
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
snosdom_Fub schrieb:
Демонтаж старых домов в Москве и Подмосковье под ключ с вывозом строительного мусора - <a href=></a>. Демонтаж дома любой сложности по низкой цене за 1 день. Бесплатный выезд оценщика.
Erstellt am 09/29/23 um 18:01:04
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
zaimy_Fed schrieb:
<a href=https://zaim-na-kartu-pensi...></a>
Erstellt am 09/30/23 um 08:05:52
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Desmondruh schrieb:
<a href=>сайт быстрых знакомств</a>
Erstellt am 09/30/23 um 16:46:02
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Desmondruh schrieb:
<a href=>бибабо сайт знакомств</a>
Erstellt am 09/30/23 um 17:06:25
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Desmondruh schrieb:
<a href=>сайт гей знакомств</a>
Erstellt am 09/30/23 um 18:16:37
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Desmondruh schrieb:
<a href=>сайт знакомств дмитров</a>
Erstellt am 09/30/23 um 19:28:46
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
vorota_Flise schrieb:
<a href=></a>
Erstellt am 09/30/23 um 22:42:15
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
WilliamCrymn schrieb:
<a href=>джоли сайт знакомств</a>
Erstellt am 10/02/23 um 07:22:46
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
WilliamCrymn schrieb:
<a href=>мав сайт знакомств</a>
Erstellt am 10/02/23 um 07:42:36
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
WilliamCrymn schrieb:
<a href=>сайт знакомств красноярск</a>
Erstellt am 10/02/23 um 08:52:50
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
WilliamCrymn schrieb:
<a href=>сайт знакомств хабаровск</a>
Erstellt am 10/02/23 um 10:03:04
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
WilliamCrymn schrieb:
<a href=>сайт знакомств новокузнецк</a>
Erstellt am 10/02/23 um 13:10:18
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
WilliamCrymn schrieb:
<a href=>сайт знакомства love</a>
Erstellt am 10/02/23 um 13:31:19
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
WilliamCrymn schrieb:
<a href=>сайты инцест знакомств</a>
Erstellt am 10/02/23 um 14:15:49
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
HermaDsArtAutok schrieb:
You can buy here <a href=>Pablo Snus</a> for good price.
Erstellt am 10/03/23 um 02:12:18
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
ラブドール 通販 schrieb:
Stunning qqսeѕt there. Ꮃhat oϲcսrred after?
Take care!
Take care!
Erstellt am 10/03/23 um 10:18:55
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Stevesnwet schrieb:
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Erstellt am 10/03/23 um 15:01:43
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]');
function getEventList() {
return array('PreItem', 'PreComment');
function Treatment($_text) {
global $CONF, $blog;
if ($this->getOption('NewWindow') == 'yes') {
$nw="onclick=\", '_blank'); return false;\"";
if ($this->getOption('InternetAddress') == 'yes') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([http|https|ftp|file]+:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9_?=&%;+-.\/]*)/si','\1\2',$_text);
$at = $this->getOption('at');
$dot = $this->getOption('dot');
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'yes') {
if ($this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'no') {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2',$_text);
else {
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
if ($this->getOption('MailAddress') == 'no' && $this->getOption('RewriteMailAddress') == 'yes'){
$_text = preg_replace('/(\s)([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})/s','\1\2'.$at.'\3'.$dot.'\4',$_text);
return $_text;
function event_PreItem($_data) {
$_data[item]->body = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->body);
$_data[item]->more = $this->Treatment($_data[item]->more);
function event_PreComment($_data) {
$_data['comment']['body'] = $this->Treatment($_data['comment']['body']);
function supportsFeature ($what)
switch ($what)
case 'SqlTablePrefix':
return 1;
return 0;
Ralphpooge schrieb:
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Erstellt am 10/04/23 um 01:18:45
0.1 - initial release
0.2 - new option: rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]
0.3 - userdefined placeholders for [at] and [dot]
0.4 - new option: links can be open in new window (default: off)
0.5 - support for SqlTablePrefix
class NP_AutoLink extends NucleusPlugin {
function getName() { return 'AutoLink'; }
function getAuthor() { return 'Kai Greve'; }
function getURL() { return ''; }
function getVersion() { return '0.5'; }
function getDescription() {
return 'Automatically creates links for internet and mail addresses';
function install() {
$this->createOption('InternetAddress','Automatically create links for internet addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('NewWindow','Open links in a new window?','yesno','no');
$this->createOption('MailAddress','Automatically create links for mail addresses ?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('RewriteMailAddress','Rewrite mail addresses with [at] and [dot]?','yesno','yes');
$this->createOption('at','Placeholder for @','text','[at]');
$this->createOption('dot','Placeholder for .','text','[dot]')